Meditation courses for all


Format du cours
Cours particulier
Cours semi-privé
Cours collectif
  • Débutant
  • Moyen
  • Avancé
Public cible
Pleine conscience (Mindfulness)Méditation bouddhiqueMéditation Transcendantale (MT)Yin yoga, Yoga nidra


As a certified Yoga Allianz Meditation Teacher, I offer Meditation classes that are adapted to your needs and availability.

In this course, you will learn and practice different types of meditation techniques from active to passive meditation and from sound to silent meditation. You can easily develop your own regular practice through the teachings.The classes are adapted to the needs and the abilities of the practitioner.

What is meditation?
Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

How does it help you?
Meditation helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and supports to increase peace, perception, self-concept and well-being.

Learning to meditate is like learning any other skill. Think of it like exercising a muscle that you’ve never really worked out before. It takes practice to get comfortable. And it’s usually easier if you have a teacher.

What will you find in this course?
You will learn how to shape your respiration and calm the mind through conscious movements, breathing exercises (pranayama), affirmations, and repetition of certain words (mantras). You can always develop your own regular practice if you are interested.

Lieux, Horaires et Tarifs

  • Collectif
  • Particulier

Lieux des cours privés

Par webcam (Suisse)


Tarifs sur demande


< 08h
08h - 10h
10h - 12h
12h - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 18h
18h - 19h
19h - 20h
20h - 21h
21h >

Lieux des cours collectifs


Tarifs sur demande

Horaires & Dates

Horaires sur demande

Autres Cours & Formations du même annonceur

  1. Sport & Mouvement (1)
  2. Langues (1)
Private Yoga classes for all levels
Particulier, Collectif, Semi-privé
Débutant, Moyen, Avancé
Lu à Di
Enfants et Adultes
  • 1 recommandations
  • Par webcam (Suisse)
Private yoga classes as virtual sessions or in-home sessions. Classes take place at your home, online, or in the park. The schedule is individual. My program is designed for people of any age, and any fitness levels. Sessions range from gentle to dynamic, are suitable for all ages and skill levels and tailored to your personal goals.
Cours d’anglais pour tous les niveaux
Particulier, Collectif, Semi-privé
Introduction, A1, A2, B1, B...
Lu à Di
Enfants et Adultes
  • Par webcam (Suisse)
Cours d’anglais pour tous les niveaux, que vous soyez débutants, moyens ou avancés
Meditation courses for all

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Recommandations des élèves

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Autres recommandations reçues par l'annonceur (1)

  • Sophie J. le 22.09.2019

    (Très bien)


Votre recommandation est très utile car elle permet aux autres visiteurs de faire leur choix en consultant les avis d'autres élèves.